Ordination of a Catholic Priest

by 'Cepta

Ordination of a Catholic Priest

Ordination of a Catholic Priest

Mostly the content came from the Internet. I got some photographs from the seminary website, and views of the college also.
From various sources I used the Catholic/Christian symbols, including used cards, peel offs, and the net.
Some had spaces left for Fr. M. to add his own photographs of the special day.
Because he did some work in our parish as a deacon, I just decided it would be a nice memento for him. He said he likes it.
All holy pics are relevant to the Priesthood, eg. Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary our mother, St. Jean Vianney (patron of priests), church, altar, Holy Communion etc.
Most are very small, but many have little messages to accompany them.

Christina says...

Special occasions deserve special cards, and what could be more special than this.
I'm sure the picture does not do the card true justice, and you must have been really pleased with the result.
The recipient was probably thrilled and delighted with your lovely creation.

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Aug 26, 2009
Unusual card
by: Anonymous

Very pretty and what an unusual subject.

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