Drawing Shapes

Do you need help with drawing shapes? Don't trust yourself drawing freehand? (Me neither!)

Drawing in a straight line is not a problem with my trusty metal ruler, it's the going round corners that is!

But there are quite a lot of general items  around the house that are there to help you.

For instance drawing around an empty box to get the square or oblong you want is useful just make sure that the box is sturdy enough as you draw.

 And for different sized circles use things like a plate or saucer, or draw around the lid of something as you hold it still 

This  little card was easily achieved by using a side plate. Place it partly off the card at the spine end and just draw around it. Then with my craft knife I simply followed the line and cut it out.

Where the plate was over hanging the spine will give you the hinge part to the card and allow it to stand.

Then to stop the card from rolling around simply trim the bottom edge to the back of the card by a small amount so that it is flat and this will keep it steady

Egg cups, tea cups, CD's all give you the same result, and some pastry cutters are already in a shape and just need to be traced round.

Use a pencil and draw lightly, this will leave you room for any mistakes you make and can be easily rubbed out after. So don't forget a good eraser too.

There are lots of tools that you can buy as well that will help you with this process

Try using stencils or templates. They come in all shapes and sizes.

The alphabet will help you produce the name of the recipient that you may want to add to  your projects, and numbers will do the same.

All you need to do then is colour or embellish in any way you want to. Try adding your Alphabet stencil to patterned paper to for a really pretty effect

There are many magazines that give away templates in their publications and if you don't want to spoil the template pages in them then use tracing paper.

Draw over the shape you want to copy and then on the reverse of the tracing paper go over the lines again.

Now when you place your tracing paper down on the card and go over the lines again, the image is transfered across.

And if you do this on spare piece of card and keep it safe you will always have your own template to use again.

Or you can simply photocopy them.  

You may need to enlarge the template for some of them so read the instructions carefully before you start

All these things will help you when it comes to drawing shapes and I am sure that you will gather more ideas as you go along.

 Things like the heart shaped chocolate box that you had for a birthday will all make templates for you and will be easier to store than the whole box

And once you have them they can be used over and over again and save the need for drawing shapes again

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