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Apr 15, 2017
Reply to Donna
by: From Frances

Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I am really glad you liked my verse, which gives me the incentive to write more.
Thanks again, it means a lot to me.
Best Wishes,

Mar 21, 2017
Baby's Message
by: Donna Okoniewski - Gaylord, MI

Hi Frances,

Oh My Goodness.... how Beautiful are these cards!!! They are truly special and I really love, love, love your Verse. You did an excellent job and I really hope we get to see more from you. Thank you so much for your detailed description. You put a lot of work and love into your creations. Thanks again for sharing.

Feb 09, 2017
To Jenny
by: Frances Martin

Thank you so much Jenny for taking the time and trouble to leave a message. Your comments mean a great deal to me.

Feb 09, 2017
by: Jenny Cottam

Your cards are beautiful and if you are new to card making them you will be making some astounding ones in the future. Well done you

Feb 08, 2017
To Edith
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your kind comment. This gives me much encouragement to continue.

Feb 08, 2017
Baby's Message
by: Edith

Hello Francis

What can one say about your cards?
They are beautiful!

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