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Feb 10, 2015
Thank you!
by: Nancy Pence, USA

Sometimes I just think it's nice to mix things up a little bit. I'll send Christina a photo of the pillow boxes . . . maybe she'll post it for you.

Congratulations on your upcoming Ruby Wedding Anniversary! That's quite an accomplishment!

Feb 10, 2015
Thank you
by: Jenny Cottam

Thanks for your comments, ladies.
Arlene, I don't think I'm suffering from unrequited love 'cos we will be celebrating our ruby wedding anniversary next month and my husband always says he would get less for murder (only joking of course - at least I hope he is)
Nancy, I think that is a brilliant idea giving little boxes of chocolates instead of a card for a change.

Feb 10, 2015
Valentine cards
by: Brenda Hanlon

Lovely cards Jenny, my you've been busy.

Feb 10, 2015
Jenny's cards
by: Arlene

Ithink they are all lovely, and I hope you're Not suffering from unrequited love. :-) it would be a hard man to resist you with any of them. I have one to post which I hope to do this evening.

Feb 09, 2015
Your Valentine Cards
by: Nancy Pence, USA

Jenny, your Valentine Cards are SO pretty! The cards are clean and simplistic in their elegance, not over done at all. And, as Christina said, whoever receives one will be VERY pleased. WELL DONE!

I didn't do cards this year, but rather little Valentine Pillow Boxes (40 of them), each with 6 Hershey Kisses inside. I will deliver them to friends on Wednesday. It just seemed like a viable alternative, and who doesn't like a little chocolate snack, right?

Feb 09, 2015
Thank you
by: Jenny Cottam

Thank You, Edith

Feb 09, 2015
Valentine cards

Hello Jenny,

I am only too pleased that I personally do not have to choose one. Each one is lovely in it's own right

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