Comments for Some of the cards I have made recently

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Dec 17, 2014
Thank you
by: Jenny Cottam

Hello again Arlene
Thanks for your comments. I absolutely love doing decoupage and I love the cutting out ones best. Some people may say I'm sad but I find the cutting out very therapeutic.

Dec 17, 2014
by: Arlene

You have been busy, and such a variety of methods, I must admit I haven't done one foth of the stuff you can make from Christina's website
I do like your decoupage ideas.

Apr 27, 2013
Rose Bag
by: Ann Lauzon

Hi Jenny, as you can see by the date, I've been away for awhile.But I'm back now, and I just want to say what a great idea you had for making the stem for your roses.I just love that bag...Ann

Dec 07, 2011
Some of the cards I made recently

I like any card that has flowers, you have placed just the right amount on each, making trhem attractive

Dec 06, 2011
some of the cards I have made recently
by: Rosa Philippe

Lovely cards ! (I also love 3D cutting ). And that bag is GORGEOUS ! Very pretty box too .

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