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Jan 17, 2012
recycled cd card
by: rosie

yes moonsilk base card needs to be heavy to take weight of cd think i used double card for it.thanks for highlighting it.good to note for future.

Jan 17, 2012
cd card
by: moonsilk

I made a cd card for my grandson but made the mistake of not choosing a thick enough card to put it on as the cd was heavier than the card and it kept falling over, but thats how we learn by our mistakes.Will certainly make another one though. Just thought I would add that for future reference

Apr 29, 2011
Recycled CD Card
by: Lindsay

Rosie what a great idea. My grandson's birthday is coming up next month and at this stage of life he wants to be a DJ. Think I will do a CD card for him but put a new one on for a present.

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