Comments for Pleated Card and the box

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Sep 01, 2012
Pleated Card and the box
by: Danielle Designs

Thanks Rosie and Lindsay for your comments.
It's so pleasant to share our creations of us!!

Sep 01, 2012
pleated card and box
by: rosie

stunning card and box

Sep 01, 2012
Pleated card and the box,.
by: Lindsay

Stunning. Excellent job, love it.

Aug 31, 2012
Pleated Card and the box
by: Danielle Designs

A very special thanks to you Margaret for the comments on my cards! I'm surprise myself to arrive to make all those cards!! I'm inspired by Christina videos....she explain very well and she is not too difficult to understand because I don't speak english very much! When I explain how I made my cards, I take a dictionary to be able! :)

Aug 31, 2012
Blown away
by: Margaret

I am totally blown away by this card and box, what els can I say, it is just fantastic, and the trellis cards are great.

What a fantastic job you have done on these cards you should be over the moon with how they have come out, I love them.

Great job, best wishes Margaret

Aug 31, 2012
Pleated Card and the box
by: Danielle Designs

I like adventurous cards to make Christina and this one was a good project! I'm proud of that!!! Thank you Christina you are my best one for card making!!!

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