Double Tag Card Tutorial

The Double Tag Card Tutorial ...  is a far nicer way to give the gift of money  to someone and you can dress it up to suit the recipient any way you wish

Sometimes it is difficult to think what to give to someone as a gift and maybe it is just money that they want as they are saving for something in particular.

Children are the worst culprits as they open cards these days and shake them to see if money will fall out of it and they look so disappointed when it doesn't.

Well this pretty card is a way to give a gift of money or vouchers and is far nicer than just handing it over... and it fools the kids when they shake it and nothing falls out

Plus it is a much more civilised way to give money to teenagers or adults that can be added to other cash gifts for some larger purchase !!

You can make these to suit male of female recipients just as effectively, and all you need is one 12" x 12" sheet of double sided card.

So here is the short video to show you how to get the results you want to these Double Tag Cards  and they can be used just as they are without any other additions from you.

Children like these interactive cards as the tags can have their name on them and then be removed from the pockets

You can add some tassels or some pretty ribbon to the tags, which just indicates to the recipient that this part is to be removed and it makes it easier for them to be pulled out.

I have used spotty gingham ribbon from Mei Flower

Cut the tags to any shape you want. I have made use of the   Spellbinders  dies that I have as they make give a really neat finish.

But you can use any punch or dies that you have, or just free hand cut them.

Make sure they will slide into the pockets that you will be making with the card, and trim as needed to make them fit.

I hope you will enjoy this Double Tag Card Tutorial.

And don't forget to add the photographs of all your cards and your projects to the Gallery Pages. 

That way every body will be able to see what you can do and leave you their comments.

You will be pleasantly surprised at all the lovely things people will say.

We are all our own worst critics and even though you think the work is not ... "as good as somenone elses" ...others will think differently.

Remember that a lot of people don't know how, or have no interest in making cards and so the work you produce will be wonderful to them.

Go on .... show it off!!

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