Comments for Cardinals of Winter

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Feb 12, 2015
Cardinal card
by: Arlene

You don't have to be girlie to make a nice card, variety is the spice of life, I definitely like the card, and I'm sure your sister in law did too.

Feb 12, 2015
Thank you!
by: N

Thank you so much, Edith and Donna for your lovely comments. I really appreciate your taking the time to write.

Feb 02, 2015
Cardinals of Winter

Good morning Nancy

Your card is certainly different, different in a lovely way. I think you have done well to achieve a female card with no girly bits.

Making cards for people who do not like fuss is as equally hard as thinking of cards to make for the male species.

Feb 01, 2015
Cardinals of Winter
by: Donna Okoniewski

Hi Nancy. I like your card! It's got a country, Northern Michigan kind of flair. Thank you so much for sharing. We have a log cabin bed and have painted cardinals engraved in it.

Feb 01, 2015
Many Thanks!
by: Nancy Pence, USA

Thank you so much Christina! Sue did seem to love her card, which makes the effort worth while! And thank you again for the huge favor you did for me! Hope your shows went well on C&C. They're showing them in the states now, and I caught the very end of one of yours the other evening. Best of luck to you in your new ventures. Oh, and I enjoyed the blog hop last Saturday, as well. Hugs to you!

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